Watches, Style, Everyday Carry, Gear David Vaucher Watches, Style, Everyday Carry, Gear David Vaucher

Hublot May Finally Be Getting the Respect It Deserves

A common theme in my writing is a frustration at “zombie opinions”, views that are widely shared, stated almost reflexively, without much thought, and that keep stumbling along despite tangible evidence to the contrary.

The view that Hublot produces nothing but horological trash, undeserving of any respect, is one such opinion. It needs to go from “undead” to fully dead, and there is plenty to work with to make that case.

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Watches, Style, Gear, Everyday Carry David Vaucher Watches, Style, Gear, Everyday Carry David Vaucher

So Many Watches to Think About, So Little Time…

Even if your “to buy” list of watches is relatively short, don’t you still have a ton of other watches kicking around in your head?

Some may belong to the “if I won the lottery I’d buy this” list, others are perhaps on the “yea this looks beautiful but I live in sweatpants now” list, and others maybe you just think about because they’re interesting.

That’s what I want to cover today: in no particular order, with no sponsorship dollars behind any of the entries, here are several watches that I can’t get out of my head.

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